Distraction : The Energy Vampire

Do you view a distraction as a welcome break, a relief from a difficult task or situation ? Do you

think that the distraction give you time and energy? Think again. Distractions drain your energy

because of the attention placed on something or someone else when the focus should be you- your

needs- your self-care. Women especially find it difficult to focus on themselves and as a result view a

distraction as a necessity. When the focus is on others and/ or other things the message to your self is

that you aren’t important and your needs don’t matter. Nothing is further from the truth ! You matter

and it matters that your needs are fulfilled. Energy flows and fills your cup with vitality, purpose, and

meaning when you focus on what you need to do and what brings you joy. Self-care is not selfish.

Energy flows where your attention goes.

Teresa Palmer