Meditation, Yoga, and Your Genes

You may ask why I promote meditation and yoga.  Because it works!   Research shows that these practices do more than relax us.  They can reverse the molecular reactions in our DNA which cause illness and disease. Under stress  our body’s sympathetic nervous system ( fight or flight reaction) produces a molecule which activates our genes to produce proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation at the cellular level.  Inflammation is associated with the development of heart disease,  cancer, accelerated aging, depression, and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome, to name a few.  Meditation and yoga reverse this inflammatory process.  Simply put, yoga and meditation cause our brain to  program the DNA process to one of health and wellbeing. We have the power to manage and reduce stress and in doing so choose to be healthy.

 Empowering You to be a Partner in Your Health and Wellbeing 

Teresa Palmer